Ascend, a three-day hybrid event co-hosted by Oracle Applications & Technology Users Group (OATUG) and Oracle HCM Users Group (OHUG) took place in Florida in August. With presentations, demos, networking and many other activities, Ascend inspired its participants, both those directly on site and those attending virtually. PROMATIS participated actively and live, Johannes contributed to the event with three content-rich presentations, and Zach expanded the relationships with prospects and customers in addition to targeting his educational sessions towards new and innovative product offerings from Oracle.

From the very first day, the conference inspired with spontaneity and bundled know-how. Johannes experienced this first hand, when in the aftermath of a presentation topics were discussed which PROMATIS has been working on with Oracle for some time and which could now be solved by the experts. The event continued with a surprise – Johannes was asked quite spontaneously to join the panel discussion on “The New Normal, What Did We Learn? Hybrid Working Models, Supply Chain and Governance Adjustments” as a panelist. Johannes and Zach had very interesting discussions with other companies experiencing similar issues as we do at PROMATIS. Johannes inspired in the well-attended session with the topic on the use of APEX for the extension of the E-Business Suite, which was intensively discussed and debated afterwards. The first day of the event ended with a visit to the accompanying exhibition and entertaining networking.

The second day opened with Johannes’ presentation on APEX CI/CD patterns, which was once again met with wide interest. Discussions with members of different Oracle User Groups showed that the same topics were in the foreground worldwide to motivate and activate members, whether online or in presentation events. Highlights of the day were the keynote about the right development of HCM applications and, of course, the evening event in the atmospheric surroundings of Florida’s coast.

Johannes’ third presentation on the E-Business Suite on OCI concluded the interesting conference. Even though the numerous attendees of the participants had shifted to the virtual world, there were still interesting conversations, new contacts and a large amount of information that proved useful and helpful for PROMATIS.

See you again next year!

Author: Johannes Michler & Zachary Barger

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